3 comments on “Please Tell Us How You Would Spend the Money

  1. NCSY is having an alumni Shabbaton which contains many inspirational and substantive elements familiar to those who BTs were NCSYers.

  2. Idealistic people who are struggling with everyday life need to be inspired, like when life was simpler and they had high spiritual hopes. There already are Gateways shabbatons but they are about the same old things we’ve heard before and, frankly, who can afford to go to a hotel for Shabbos with a big family.

    This is probably impractical, but maybe some inspirational Shabbatons like AishDas has done would be helpful in bringing back some of the old spark. I don’t know how to structure “BT alumni” Shabbatons but in theory I think many would find it helpful.

  3. Actually, the continuance of this blog and what it seems to accomplish: Creating a support system for Ba’alei Tshuva and a place where they feel comfortable. I’m not sure that it needs money so much as good people.

    I mentioned this to someone, and she suggested a hotline for BT’s. I’m not sure about that, but creating a way for people to get in touch with others who can help them (not even Rabbonim) would be huge. Perhaps (at least in certain cities) creating a network of people to contact for help in adjusting to certain aspects of Jewish life? Schools, shidduchim, etc? Just some people to talk to.

    One thing you see from this blog is the importance of a network – almost above everything else – in helping people. Keep creating and sustaining networks, all the while ensuring that the people in those networks are suited to be a part of it. Good luck!

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