The Centrality of Appreciating Hashem’s Hashgachah

The Rambam’s 13 principles of faith can be grouped into three:
– Belief in G-d
– Belief in Prophecy
– Belief in Hashgachah
The Ramchal structures the first three sections of Derech Hashem along these lines with the fourth section emphasing Serving G-d.

The famous Ramban at the end of Parshas Bo details how Yetzias Mitzrayim provides clear evidence of these three principals:
“The supernatural wonders indicate the world has a G-d who created it, knows all, oversees all and is all powerful. And when that wonder is publicly declared beforehand through a prophet, the truth of prophecy is made clear as well, namely that G-d will speak to a person and reveal His secrets to His servants, the prophets, and with acknowledgment of this the entire Torah is sustained.”

In his Shabbos Hagadol shiur, Rabbi Welcher pointed out that after the Hagadah focuses on Hashem’s Hashgachah, we thank Hashem with 2 perakim of Hallel and continue with the Matzah which according to some Achronim is representative of the Todah offering. The meal can be considered part (or subservient to) the “Matzah Offering” and this is perhaps why it is not considered an interruption of the Hallel.

Rabbi Welcher also pointed out that the Hodaah in Tefillah makes Hashem’s presence more real than the more abstract Shevach and Bakosha components.

Although Yetzias Mitzrayim illustrates all three principals it our thanks for Hashem’s Hashgacha which is our focus and our primary means of connecting to Hashem.

It might be instructive to focus on the Hodaah of the seder with the intent of using that as a springboard to uncover and focus on Hashem’s Hashgacha through out the year. In this way we can continually increase our Hashem consciousness, which the Ramchal points out is the root purpose of all the mitzvos.

Wishing the entire Beyond BT community a Chag Kosher V’Someach.