Rabbi Lazer Brody on Shalom Bayis – Mp3

Rabbi Lazer Brody inspired approximately 200 people on Sunday with a shiur sponsored by Chazaq at the Beth Gavriel Community Center on Shalom Bayis. As you might know, Rabbi Brody has translated Rabbi Shalom Arush’s book on Shalom Bayis called The Garden of Peace, a marital guide for men only. If is highly acclaimed and highly recommended.

Rabbi Brody’s first key to Shalom Bayis is that we should thank our spouse for all they do for us. Expressing thanks is the first key to Shalom Bayis.

The second major point is that a wife needs to know that she holds a central place in her husband’s list of priorities. This should be easy since the wife is the strength of a Jewish home, but we all need to make the effort to show our wife she is in first place in our eyes.

The third key is avoid criticizing your wife. Criticism and comments are very painful for a women and we should avoid them at all costs.

For women, Rabbi Brody noted that a shalom bayis book for women is on the way, and he suggested that women should encourage their husband and build their confidence..

Rabbi Yosef Nechama of breslevc.co.il was kind enough to allow us to share Rabbi Brody’s shiur. So please avail yourself of this opportunity to improve a most important aspect of our lives, our shalom bayis.

Rabbi Brody’s shiur on Shalom Bayis can be downloaded here.

4 comments on “Rabbi Lazer Brody on Shalom Bayis – Mp3

  1. Even if you think you know everything you need to know about shalom bayis, please read the Garden of Peace by R’ Shalom Arush. It is impossible to describe how wonderfully true and useful this book is. Every time I have the slightest problem interacting with my wife I realize it was because I failed to follow the advice in this book.

    I also heartily recommend R’ Arush’s most recent book in English, In Forest Fields. If you feel there is even the tiniest bit missing from your spirituality or connection to Hashem, read this book — it is a wonderful guide to personal prayer. This is for everyone — not just Breslovers.

  2. Actually, the book for women is out, but only in Hebrew. I’m reading it (my husband read the men’s book a couple of years ago). I’m still very much at the beginning, but so far it seems pretty good.

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