A Cure for Troubled Times

A Teenage Beyond BT Fan

As we all know the world that we live in has gone out of control.

To start with, the recession we are in now is just terrible. Thousands of people have been laid off this past year. And that’s just the least of it.

We are in danger regarding North Korea. They have nuclear bombs that are ready to rock. There’s also the problems of the Middle East, especially in Israel. Iran says straight out that they want to wipe Israel off the map!

We may look at all this and say, “There’s no hope”, but that’s not true. There is hope. If we Jews do what we are supposed to do this will all end!

It is brought down that if every Jew keeps two shabbos in a row, Moshiach will immediately follow. Some people think “I can’t bring moshiach.” But that’s not true. Every jew can help bring moshiach!

What could you do?

Learn one Mishnah every day. Say Tehillim. Pick up a Hebrew or English sefer and learn. Do an extra chesed. There’s an endless list of things that you could do!

As I said before every Jew can help bring moshiach. What Zchus it would be if every Jew did his or her part.

May Hashem bring Moshiach through joyful means and let this year’s Tisha B’Av be a Yom Tov.

5 comments on “A Cure for Troubled Times

  1. Steve,
    To quote this post:
    Learn one Mishnah every day. Say Tehillim. Pick up a Hebrew or English sefer and learn. Do an extra chesed. There’s an endless list of things that you could do!

    Every little thing we do has an effect. Rabbi Yisrael (Lipkin) Salanter, founder of the Mussar movement, was quoted as saying the following: When a Jews speaks Lashon Hara in Vilna, it will bring a desecration of Shabbos in Pairs. Like the old New York Telephone slogan, “We’re all connected.”

    For years Lubavitch passed out the “Good Deed Card” promoting Jews to promoting such deeds.

    A simple suggestion would be at the Shabbos table asking those in your family what act of chessed did they do during the week.

  2. ok. what can we do to try to make sure that the jewish people try to start to do some good things for each other, their communities and for the world?

  3. Shevet Mussar, Chapter 49, end of paragraph 1:

    Why should you block the redemption by sinning, which causes the dead to cry out against you, because you delay their resurrection?

  4. Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, chapter 28:

    The messiah [literally, the son of David] will sprout forth in a time when the Arabs [literally, sons of Ishmael] are powerful.

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