Bringing Down the Light of Redemption

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Nation of Israel,

As we enter this holiday commemorating our redemption, it is important to understand why we celebrate. It is not just to remember the miracles that led to our redemption but to bring this energy back in and recreate it so that we may experience it again.

The Jewish nation was able to leave Egypt because Hashem sent them a leader to rally all the souls of the jews as one. When we unite as a people Hashem’s light begins to descend very rapidly.

When we are fractured as a people we fall into disarray. It is through our scorn of one and another that we have been led to the brink of our destruction and the losing of our Holy Temple.

It is said that the Jewish Nation is a light unto all other nations and we can see in many fields how this has been so. The one field that is currently missing is the spiritual field. We have not been internal lights. We have used our inherent gifts to lead the world in technologies. It is time to be spiritual lights as well.

How do we do this? The first step is that we must be light unto ourselves. We must shine for those of our own faith and not judge others for practicing differently. Lead by example. Let your practice radiate its light through your countenance so that when your fellow sees you, they wonder how can i achieve such a state of joy and peace. Then when asked you can share the beauty of your practices.

Our Father, The Creator wants what every great father could want. That all their children get along and help each other, that we respect and love one another. If we could see our similarities and just feel the uniqueness of our vibrations given to us by God and His Torah, we can affect the world and bring about a time of peace. Our Father waits for us to unite consciously as a group soul. The effect of this would be to open a massive portal from the heavens to the earth and bring back the open revelation of our King.

Happy Passover

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