We Need You!

In the over 2 years since we’ve started Beyond BT we’ve had hundreds of great posts, thousands of great comments and hundreds of thousands of reads. We want to take this opportunity to thank everybody who visits these pages for helping making this project a success. One of the greatest successes is found in the sharing of our struggles with others in similar situations. It is a comforting feeling knowing that you’re not alone.

One of the issues we face is that many of our contributors only participate for a limited time period, which is fine with us. However, that means we are always looking for fresh voices. So, if you are willing to write something about once a month, please contact us. You can do it anonymously, if you prefer. We usually send out suggested topics every 2 weeks or so, but you can post on whatever topic you want. We also accept guest contributions, so when the spirit strikes, type it up and send it in.

We would also be interested in suggested topics that you would like to see and we’re always looking for a good question of the week. Thanks again and please consider taking your participation to the next level. Our email is beyondbt@gmail.com and we’re hoping to hear from you.

9 comments on “We Need You!

  1. I’ve been a little shy, and haven’t commented too much on the site, but I would be interested in being a contributor. Would you please send me the necessary information? Thanks.

  2. I have followed the website for awhile and posted sometimes using aliases. I would be happy to contribute though I do not have very traditional BT viewpoints :)

  3. I would like to write about something, please let me know how to go about this. Is it just your e-mail address?

  4. If I remember correctly the founder of the Awarenes center is a BT? I think they also have a self help group for those who were victimized and are bt’s.

  5. Bat Tamar: You may already be aware of the following but just in case, I am bringing them to your attention: 1) The Awareness center is a website devoted to abuse in the Jewish community, and 2) Rabbi Horowitz’ website has an article on molestation written by the Rabbi recently, followed by over 300 comments.
    Neither of these necessarily has the BT perspective, though.

  6. As a contributor who is guitly of limited submissions and commening (my on blog suffers from this as well, for what it’s worth) I would like to see more of the following:
    Parenting, postive experiece within the day school system (from a parental perspective), issues involving dealing with the influences of pop culture, etc.

  7. I’ve been following this blog for some time and noticed there is never any mention on BT’s who are survivors of sexual abuse. As much as I’ve struggled to remain observant the lack of education and understanding has pushed me away. I was wondering if others have the same struggles as me.

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